
Be Yourself Aradia - The Goddess of Light Traditional Wicca As A Spiritual Path Or The Quest Of The Goddess Kernnunos Morality and Modern Paganism The Scourge


Mantra for Plague and Diseases

A mantra anyone can recite to alleviate the pain of those suffering with illness 

Dreaming Hades

Blog on Wicca, Magick and Spirituality by Mer-Amun. Well worth reading.

Isis Ma'at Coven

Isis Urania Coven, in Toronto

Isis Sophia Coven

Isis-Urania Coven, in Montreal.

Aphrodite Urania Coven

Isis-Urania Coven, in Toronto.

Wicca of the Ancient Harmony

A Traditional Wicca Coven located in Oshawa, Ontario. 
In particular, we recommend their excellent article "The Philosophy of Traditional Wicca".

Hermetic Arts Learning Centre

Quality supplies and lectures in Salem, Ma.

Bellydance as Goddess Worship

A thoughtful and inspiring article about Bellydance as Goddess Worship  

Azoth Art

Online source for high quality robes and accoutrements